About the Book
“Being Found Out” concludes the “Illimani chronicles” The first Series in Simon McCoy’s blockbuster outlaw memoirs.

Having lost a courier at Schiphol, the boys who’d agreed to stop if they ever lost someone, find it’s not that easy. Without being able to move material out of La Paz, the money tree is dying.

In Rio, the changing tide endangers Simon’s domestic sandcastle, and even money won’t fix it. Helen wants to go home and taking Simon’s most treasured possession with her.

While high up in the Andes, the summer sun is melting their snowman. The commitments made to suppliers and knitters are pressing catching a thread and the Illimani jumper begins to unravel.

Facing battles on all three fronts, can Frans, Simon, and Steve hold it together? Will internal conflicts join forces with enemies without, and break up the team? Even worse, are they about to lose their freedom or can a change of venue fix it?

Coming Soon…

Coming Soon…

Read Chapter One
At four pm Friday, after a tough week, the phone rings. Brisa, my very personal assistant, is chatting to Rosa, head of the knitters co-op at the door as she leaves with the knitters pay. So I answer.

There’s silence. The line clicks, and the call drops. A shiver travels down my spine. Something sinister? Nah, a wrong number or someone avoiding my Spanish.

Brisa returns and hugs me. ‘You Ok Simon?’ ‘ Yes love, just it’s been a horrid week. Javier’s lawyer reneging on the deal. Titch not getting to court yet. God knows what he’ll say. Frans sitting tight, saying nothing, and Hermione demanding business decisions we can’t make, until Titch and Javier are sorted.