‘To Live Outside the Law.’ Bolivia Two is Simon McCoy’s first published book in a series of twenty-five. It is also the second book in the Bolivian trilogy.
There are no courses and no ‘Dummies Guides to smuggling.’ Up to now, Simon had got by through sheer balls and luck. This book marks the place where Simon finds his mojo.
He has a method that works consistently, and reliable contacts, to a degree. With his new partner Stephen, a witty man with parallel values, they skate over thin ice with elan. Creating a credible front business, they charm their way into La Paz’s parallel straight and criminal worlds.
You meet a range of characters and situations that put you right there with them. The terror of picking up nine kilos of the world’s best Cocaine in La Paz’s shantytown and driving through the police roadblock on the way down to the city.
The joy of watching fist-sized rocks of opalescent crystal crumble in your hand and flutter down onto a growing pile.
Walking through the security controls in El Alto, the world’s highest airport and Cocaine hotspot loaded with three kilos in plain sight.
While these extraordinary events take place, there are the more everyday challenges of living under the pressure of home and partners half a world away.
In this world so far from South London or Rotterdam with its alien culture and people, the lads, learn as much about themselves as they do about the wider world.

But I am getting ahead of myself; first I had to get in alive. I had chosen my plane seat in Rio only after inspecting the rear toilet facilities thoroughly and with good reason. Aero Lloyd’s safety record had recently hit a deadly speed bump. Last month, one of their 727’s was blown up by terrorist flying from La Paz to Santa Cruz. Narco-terrorists had planted. dynamite in the rear toilet. A one-off or the start of something? Perhaps I was about to find out?